Europan 17 Competition "Living Cities 2" (ENG) | E-01 SoSe 2023
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Planungsgebiet: To be selected
Betreuung: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Renée Tribble, Jose M. Velazco-Londono
Veranstaltungsnummer: 09202201
The Europan 17 competition "Living Cities 2 - Lebendige Städte 2" asks how we can counter climate change and man-made social, economic and cultural inequalities in the urbanized spaces of our cities and communities with innovative and inclusive projects and new planning processes. The aim of the competition is to develop ideas for neglected, derelict, empty, stigmatized or mono-functionally used spaces in order to transform them back into vibrant, inclusive and mixed urban spaces and to explore the regenerative capacities of living milieus amidst new ecologies that attempt to overcome the opposition between nature and culture and anthropocentrism during times marked by natural disasters and a climate emergency.
Europan is an architectural and urban planning ideas competition that brings together European cities with the next generation of architects, urban planners and open space planners. To this end, Europan organizes an international planning and architecture competition every two years. Each competition is held on a current theme that is of central importance for the development of the European city. Each competition involves over 50 European cities and more than 2000 teams. The competition is accompanied by international formats that promote exchange and networking at the European level and serves a dual purpose: it offers cities and developers new and innovative solutions for local urban development and young planners the opportunity to network nationally and internationally. The combination of these two functions creates a platform for an ongoing debate on the transformation of the European city and for the development of innovative planning processes and pilot projects.
Several German municipalities are taking part in the competition, proposing sites whose transformation require innovative responses and proposals in the form of integrated development concept, strategic approaches or innovative ideas and projects that cannot be achieved with a "conventional" competition.
Competition Official Launch:
Monday, 27th of March 2023. Opening of the registration on the European website.
Friday, 21th of April 2023. National Lauch Event online (GER)
Submission of Entries:
Sunday 30th of July 2023. Deadline for the online submission of the projects.
Monday 4th December 2023. Results announcement on the European website.
Information from the competition announcement:
Find out more about the Europan competition here:
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