SO MUCH MORE TO SHARE – a Summer School on Community Arts and Activism
- Externe Meldungen

Through public lectures and workshops, we will encounter different approaches to community art and art as activism and will explore questions under the thematic umbrellas of “Constructing communities,” and “Arts-based methods.” We will have the opportunity to discuss conceptual, methodological, and practical contributions that critically situate community art within the urban sphere.
12 applicants can join the fully funded Summer School at kitev Oberhausen.
To apply, we ask you to send a current CV (one page) to infokitevde. The deadline for applications is the 31th of July 2024.
Please feel free to share the call within your network or with anyone the Summer School might be of interest to.
If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch via barbarinokitevde
Program “SO MUCH MORE TO SHARE” a Summer School on Community Arts and Activism
Lectures/ Workshops by:
Hiroko Tsuchimoto is a Japanese-born, Stockholm-based artist who cares for and works with humans and non-human beings. Over the past ten years, she has produced performances with audience participation both on stage and in public spaces. Her idea for the Summer School is the reimaging of We/I as the base for community- based projects. I/We create a shared space and time to reimagine who and how WE are: how to apply our subjectivity to the more-than-human world, how to do with nonhuman-entities, such as plants, animals, objects, forces of nature and technology, and how to expand the definition of collaborations and communities to non-human ecologies -beyond the biological divisions and hierarchies. We (un)learn our human-centered perspectives and positionality, how to see in/relate to/respect nonhuman spaces in the city, and how to share our feelings and thoughts with intimate and embodied tempos. Through somatic practices, such as collective listening, drawing, and attentive walking indoors and outdoors, we reflect upon the correlation between creativity and ethics in human/nonhuman community-based works.
Laura Marques will share her insights on work with young Afghan peace and human rights activists resettled in Portugal and taking their first steps by working for permaculture. Laura Marques holds a degree of social work from the University of Coimbra and a MA from London Metropolitan University. She accompanies people in their various transitions as a manager of human development in different social and geographical contexts. She collaborates as an eco-social worker in the Terra de Abrigo project that welcomes refugees, peace, and human rights activists, in Terra Sintropica Foundation in Mertola, Portugal.
Stefanie Oberhoff (tbc) shares with us her diverse experiences and insights of working with different communities worldwide: from striking students in Budapest to Aboriginal women in the Australian Amazon and demonstrations in Pakistan – her puppet activists intervene in a remarkable way – they adopt to changing context and adjust themselves to various communities. Stefanie Oberhoff is a stage designer, puppeteer, and director. Since 2005 she has been organizing international cultural projects at the interface of visual arts, puppet theatre, animation and social intervention in Europe, Asia, and Africa. She has taught at State Academy of Fine Arts Stuttgart/Germany, State University of Music and Performing Arts Stuttgart, Stuttgart University of Applied Sciences and the Beaconhouse National University Lahore / Pakistan.,