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Department of Spatial Planning
Conference | Hamburger Architektursommer

Save the date: Symposium COMMON >>RECONSTRUCTING – 23rd June 2023 at Gleishalle im Oberhafen, Hamburg

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The Symposium "Common ReConstructing" is now open for registration.

The symposium offers an exchange platform on the topic of networks, neighbourhoods and negotiations for reconstruction. A central role in reconstruction is played by people, initiatives and organisations, some of which are involved in reconstruction on a daily basis. We want to talk about the framework and fields of action of participation and engagement, talk about sustainable and resource-saving approaches, build networks and enable synergies.


13.00 h >> Key Lectures
15.00 h >> Roundtables
17.00 h >> Common Roundtable Panel
18.00 h >> PreView and Visiting Walk Pavilions-Construction

Key Lectures:

Prof. Dr. Olena Oliynyk, Vice President, National Board of Architects of Ukraine

Prof. Dr. Philipp Meuser, Architekt, Verleger, Hochschullehrer und Dr. Nataliia Mysak, ETH Zürich


Maria Gryshchenko, Detlef Kurth und Anna Kuzyshyn, RPTU Kaiserslautern, Vitalii Kryzhanovskyi, TU Dortmund, Philpp Meuser, architect, publisher and university professor, Nataliia Mysak, ETH Zürich,  Olena Oliynyk, National Union, Renée Tribble, TU Dortmund, Hendrik Weiner, BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg, Vedrana Zalac, Denkstatt sarl, uvm.


The Conference is now open for registration. Register now, following the link below!

The event is part of the programme of the Hamburg Summer of Architecture and is coordinated together with the exhibition >> Past Forward Bauen mit Betstand of the BDA Hamburg:

For more information about the symposium, please visit our website for the event:

Symposium "Common ReConstructing"

If you have any questions or remarks concerning the conference feel free to write us at sbp.rptu-dortmundde

We are looking forward to meeting you at Gleishalle im Oberhafen, Hamburg on 23rd June 2023.